We have thousands of fabric and leather samples for your selection. Better yet, save time by making an appointment with our in-house designer who can aid in your search by guiding you to the colors and/or patterns you prefer.


We carry well-known names such as Kravet, Lee Jofa, Fabricut, Stout, Brunschwig & Fils along with many more. For a partial list, please see below. However, if we do not have what you are looking for, we are happy to point you in the right direction, having access to the finest fabrics worldwide.

In addition, due to our excellent relationship with several fabric distributors, some of our fabrics can be purchased at discount. Choose from any of our in-house remnants to save even more.


Currently, many of the good quality fabric mills in the USA have closed down, mainly due to the competition from China. Yet we are seeing more and more American made fabrics! 3 out of 4 of our customers now prefer to look through American made goods before the imported fabrics.


A partial list of the fabric lines we carry include:

Kravet: Kate Spade / Jeffrey Alan Marks / Candice Olson
Lee Jofa
GP & J Baker
Brunschwig & Fils
Portfolio Textiles
S. Harris
Trend: Jaclyn Smith / Vern Yip

JF Fabrics
Stout Fabrics
Marcus Williams
Bassett McNab
Pacific Hide and Leather
Greenhouse Fabrics
Anna Elizabeth
Barrow Industries
Charlotte Fabrics
George M. Fabrics